A Closer Look At The Dark Cobra Chastity Cage

Posted by Andrew Schroeder on

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When you’ve been in the male chastity game for a few years, it becomes quite easy to write off a lot of chastity devices. They look the same, they have the same parts, materials, and color options.
So when Lock the Cock asked me to review their Dark Cobra Chastity Cage, I was thrilled. It looks unlike anything in my collection, and is sure to be a unique experience.
The Cobra brand isn’t one I’m completely familiar with, and their own website makes a lot of lofty claims about comfort, smooth materials, and more. After a closer look, we’re going to be reviewing the “Classic Black Cobra” But how good is it? Let’s find out...

What’s in the Box?

Well, what comes in the pouch actually. It’s neatly packaged in a felt pouch. Once you open it up, you’ll find all the parts enclosed in a sealed plastic bag. It might not be a box, but I’ve seen much worse packaging!
Dark Cobra Nub unboxing Dark Cobra Standard unboxing
Laying out the contents, there’s actually a lot here. You have the main cage body, four differently sized cock rings, the lock and two keys (a barrel lock), five plastic tags, and a plastic thing that I think is meant to go in the lock-hole when you don’t have the lock in, but I couldn’t really figure out the point of it.
The cage and rings are made from ABS plastic (the same stuff Lego is made from), so it’s quite tough. Chastity devices with this material are usually injection molded, and you can see a few lines leftover from the process, but nothing major. The surface is smooth but isn’t the nicest looking I’ve ever seen, but a bit of polishing should take care of that.
Overall, it doesn’t come with anything too spectacular, but that’s not why we’re looking at The Cobra chastity device...

The Specs

Size Length Width/Diameter
Nub 2.36 Inches (60mm) 1.4 Inches (35mm)
Nano 2.76 Inches (70mm) 1.4 Inches (35mm)
Small 3.54 Inches (90mm) 1.46 Inches (37mm)
Standard 3.94 Inches (100mm) 1.46 Inches (37mm)
Maxi 4.33 Inches (110mm) 1.54 Inches (39mm)
Dark Cobra measurements
Whichever size Cobra cock cage you choose, it comes with four different cock rings. These are 42mm, 45mm, 48mm and 52mm.

First Impressions

Lock the Cock actually sent me both the standard and nub sizes of this cage, so I was able to compare the two side by side. It’s a good looking cage, and the design isn’t one I’ve seen before, but the initial wow factor is spoiled a little by the finish on the plastic. If it had a shiny finish it would look stunning.
Dark Cobra front view
Size wise it seems good, and having four different rings is definitely a plus to make sure it’ll fit. I decided to try the two sets of rings in both cages to see if they were interchangeable, and it was here I hit my first snag.
The cock rings come with two rounded slots that match two rounded plugs on the cage. They aren’t as thin as traditional locking pins, so in theory it should be much sturdier.
When I slotted the cage into the first ring though, it was a very tight fit. So tight, I struggled to pull it back out. I genuinely had trouble getting it free again, and if I’d put it straight on my cock I would have been quite concerned (which is why you should always try fitting your cages together before you put them on).
I expect that over time, the friction between the two parts would gradually cause them to become a little looser. Or you could try smoothing the pins down with some sandpaper, but make sure not to overdo it.
With that slight hiccup out of the way, I tried all eight rings with both sizes and they fit together just fine. It’s a great consideration for people who will really love the cage, as they can get it in different sizes and not have to worry about mixing up all the different parts.
Onto the looks, and this is the real selling point. Rather than rings, rods or a solid body, the Dark Cobra male chastity device takes elements of all three to produce something completely unique. The “bars” are very wide, which should still give plenty of restriction for what is a very open design.
Dark Cobra side view
The only thing really letting it down from a first impression is the finish. There’s very clear marks along the surface from the manufacturing process that if they’d spent a little extra time cleaning up would have really pushed it over the edge as a 10.

Putting On The Dark Cobra Cock Cage

I think we’ve gazed at this thing long enough. Let’s put it on and give it a test run.
Starting with the cock rings, and this time they’re completely solid. That means squeezing both balls through and then my penis. They’re very sturdy, so if you’re an awkward size then I can imagine this being difficult, but luckily I’m blessed with a grower so this wasn’t too much trouble for me.
If you’ve looked at any of the pictures so far, you’ll notice that the rings are a slightly unusual shape. They’re very wide, and then flared. This actually makes them incredibly comfortable and completely stops chafing as the scrotum can sit neatly on top of the flared edge. A great design choice.
Dark Cobra cock rings
Onto the main body, and it’s pretty standard chastity fare. The shape is definitely designed with comfort in mind, with the wider tip. The inside feels similar to the outside, so not the smoothest cock cage I’ve ever seen, but it’s definitely not rough enough to cause any discomfort.
As I mentioned earlier, the wider locking pins make it quite easy to attach the body to the ring, and this was also true when wearing it. Again, taking them apart was quite difficult so you may want to have someone with you to help take it off so you don’t accidentally yank your cock.
Overall it’s a fairly standard cage in terms of shape and fitting, but the rings really set it apart. They’re the most comfortable ones I’ve ever worn.

Road Testing the Dark Cobra Cock Cage

When I review a cage I like to try it out in a few different situations where I could see myself wearing it, so I thought a little about what I’d use the Cobra for. It’s very lightweight, so I could see it being a good everyday cage, and the open design makes it a tempting choice for wearing to the gym. So that’s exactly what I did!
I chose a day when I was planning to work out, and swapped from my usual cage to the Dark Cobra. Early on, I barely even noticed it was there.
Wearing it out and about was an interesting experience. The empty space all over the body of the cage let my trousers rub against it whenever I moved. After wearing a more restrictive cage for so long it was very stimulating, but the Cobra quickly dealt with any erections I managed to get.
Dark Cobra side view
When I arrived at the gym I was expecting a simple and easy time, but it turned out the cage actually got quite sweaty. If you’re planning on doing any vigorous activity while wearing it I’d definitely recommend keeping some wet wipes with you to freshen up afterwards. These are also great for trips to the bathroom, as the cage is very easy to pee in but you want to make sure it stays clean afterwards. Luckily it’s easy enough to get the wipes through the gaps in the cage without taking it off, so that’s a plus!
I’d definitely consider wearing it long term as a daily driver. The lightweight and airy design made it easy to forget I was wearing it, which is ideal for an everyday chastity cage.

The Restriction Test

Finally, we come to the restriction. For most slaves this will be the most important part of a cage, and the Dark Cobra didn’t disappoint. The sturdy material coupled with the wider bars make it difficult to get much of an erection at all.
I did my usual tests while wearing the cage, trying to break free in any way I could but there’s really no flex at all. I think you could probably break it with enough force, but it’s not something I’d advise while you’re wearing it!
The wider ring also helps keep things extra secure, so there’s almost no chance of slipping out of it.


Looks 6/10 Great looking design, but could definitely use a little more work on the finish.
Materials 8/10 Solid, firm, and inflexible. A great prison for any slave.
Ease of Use 7/10 Aside from the minor issues with the locking pins, it’s a simple cage that you can use every day.
Restriction 10/10 Outside of metal cages I don’t think you can get much more restrictive than this.
Overall 8/10
Dark Cobra Nub and standard
While it wasn’t my favorite ever it’s definitely a solid pick, and as a cage reviewer I do have quite high standards so I’d recommend trying it for yourself to see what you think. Thanks to Lock the Cock for letting me test and review their Dark Cobra Chastity Device. It’ll be a great addition to my ever growing collection...
Cock Cages Written By Andrew Schroeder

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About The Author

Andrew Schroeder

Andy Schro

Our guy who’s walking the walk, Andrew is a long-term cage wearer who found LTC when shopping for devices early in his journey. So he’s gone from customer to consultant. 

He taps out articles that discuss the lifestyle. From debunking myths to offering commentary on the most-debated chastity topics, Andrew S is inspired to write because of his ardour for the caged life.

“Pardon the pun, but there’s a lot of cock and bull information about male chastity and the people who partake in this lifestyle. My want, and why I write for LTC, is because I believe we need more straight-talking, experienced voices to speak up about their journeys with chastity. People who are familiar with the lifestyle and community. People who want to help those who are new and interested."

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