Feminization Hypnosis: Useful and Effective, or Over-Hyped Titillation?

Posted by Charlie Nyx on

Mistress Tracy hypnotising a slave
Feminization hypnosis is a controversial practice. The repetitive mantras in the recordings and videos promise inspirational, reassuring, and even metamorphic changes. Some even come with warnings: “If you listen to this, you’ll become more feminine.” But is that really possible?
There are plenty of feminine hypnosis skeptics who are quick to dismiss the practice. But they seem to be at odds with society’s growing acceptance of hypnosis as a useful form of therapy.
This begs the question: With so many channels, recordings, and hypnotists creating this material, why is gender hypnosis being sidelined?

The Power of Suggestion

A good place to start is by understanding how hypnotherapy works and how it’s used. As a form of treatment it’s still relatively new, only being recognized as one since 1958. Fortunately, the willingness of trusted medical bodies to freely discuss its usefulness has helped legitimize the practice.
The American Medical Association, the Cleveland Clinic, the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RC Psych), and the National Institutes of Health have all published articles in support of hypnosis helping people manage:
  • Phobias.
  • Mental health challenges such as anxiety.
  • Medical conditions such as insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
RC Psych explains that it works by entering a state of focused attention. While someone is in this trance-like state verbal suggestions are made to affect how they think and feel about something. And like all forms of therapy and medical treatment, it should be done under the guidance of a certified hypnotherapist or psychologist.

Medically Explaining How Hypnosis Works

How hypnosis actually works is still being studied. But it’s thought that putting the brain into a relaxed state makes it easier for someone to absorb new ideas. At least that’s what researchers trying to offer a solid explanation have seen so far.
While watching the brain activity of people in a hypnotic trance, researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine saw significant changes. The part of the brain that’s usually highly active became calmer. The connection between the brain and the body increased.
Medical trials have also started proving the effectiveness of hypnosis to reduce the symptoms of IBS. They’re even finding out whether it’s reliable enough to be used in conjunction with local anesthetic to calm the body. (The hope is to reduce the number of procedures performed under general anesthetic.)
Emerging medical evidence makes a strong case that hypnosis works. There are also plenty of anecdotal stories about hypnotherapy being totally life changing. But because the connection between the focused, trance-like state of the mind and the outcomes can’t be completely explained, its effectiveness is still being scrutinized. And, like all clinical treatments, it may work great for some people and fail for others.

Using Hypnosis to Become More Feminine

Feminine hypnosis means being open to suggestions around feminine ideologies, behaviors, and qualities. Repeatedly listening to messages on how to be more feminine is thought to, eventually, make someone more like a female.
Mistress Tracy in a hypnotic spiral
Some of the suggestions can include:
  • Repeating affirmations about being the gender you want to become.
  • Changing how you laugh, from a ‘manly’ laugh to a feminine giggle.
  • Noticing how your skin feels, and that it’s now soft and smooth.
  • Visualizing yourself as a woman.
  • Adopting a softer, more feminine voice.
  • Acting feminine in public.
  • Adopting female body language.
Entire Reddit groups are dedicated to the practice.
Based on what we know so far about hypnosis, there’s no reason why gender-related treatment wouldn’t work. But here’s the thing. Sissies, crossdressers, and the trans communities are questioning its efficacy.
Reading through the threads and subreddits shows three clear camps:
  1. Those who swear by it.
  2. Those who are convinced it doesn’t work.
  3. Those who are along for the ride, enjoying it as a form of entertainment.
And that last one is a label hypnotherapy has always had to deal with.
Tens of thousands of videos and audio files are available on YouTube, Hypnotube, Soundcloud, and wherever you get your podcasts. All of them want to hypnotize you into thinking, feeling, and being more feminine.
In the name of research, I listened to a few. Most of them sounded like stories, flirting with fantasies of forced feminization. They were hot, which is how I like my erotica. And some even had good ideas in terms of what it means to be womanly.
But they did nothing to put me into a trance-like state.
Recognizing I’m not the intended audience, there’s only so far I can comment. But the recordings were so far off what hypnosis can be that these were clearly examples fetishizing the practice.
So does there need to be a clearer distinction between sissy hypno, sissy hypno erotica, and gender-related hypnotherapy?

Causing confusion or creating space for comfort and certainty?

Lyndall Briggs is the president of the Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH). And she thinks there are a couple of big reasons why feminization hypnotherapy is quickly dismissed.
The first is based on a lack of understanding of how hypnotherapy works.
“If someone has a goal, hypnosis is a tool to support the journey towards achieving that goal,” she says. “But for it to work well, the suggestions made during a hypnotherapy session will need to align with the morals and values someone already holds.”
A good example Briggs gives is to compare it to TV advertising.
When watching TV, the brain enters the alpha state, which is also how the brain responds in a hypnotic trance. You may see adverts for cars or fast food during that time. And while your brain will absorb the information, you’re unlikely to act on it if you don’t need a car or aren’t feeling hungry.
This makes me wonder whether forcibly changing someone with hypnosis is even possible, and whether the warnings attached to some recordings are purely for hype and part of the fetish.
“It’s extremely unlikely that, for example, a cishet guy who is comfortable in his skin could be hypnotized and suddenly believe he’s a woman,” Briggs says. As I’ve already explained, someone already needs to be open to the suggestion. Hypnotherapy would help that person have a clearer understanding of whether they wanted to act on it, and in what way.
Sissy slave
Indeed, the misbelief that hypnosis can control and change people in this way borders on themes found in harmful pseudoscientific conversion therapy practices.
How effective hypnosis is for changing behavior is still being studied. For example, there isn’t enough evidence to prove how effective it is for treating depression or smoking addiction, let alone changing a person’s gender. Yet anecdotal evidence suggests that listening to these recordings can lead to noticeable differences, which is helping people feel supported and achieve the changes they want.
“There are elements of hypnosis that we don’t yet understand,” Briggs says, echoing my earlier findings. “How or why repeatedly listening to the mantras in recordings works isn’t fully known—especially when it comes to the physical changes people experience as a result of the hypnosis.”
With so much of this material readily available, there’s clearly a demand, want, and need for it. And if that’s the case, it’s likely doing some good for the sissyhood.

Sissy Hypno Has Its Uses

There are two types of sissy training hypno tracks: videos with an audio track, and audio only. Listening to or watching sissy hypno regularly may not put you into a deep state or trance. But as with any mantra you repeat, saying it often enough can affect your thoughts and feelings. There’s no reason this can’t be true for things relating to gender.
  • Hearing affirmations and putting words to your thoughts and feelings could lead to greater self-confidence.
  • Ideas shared in these recordings may give you a better understanding about your body and how you feel about it.
  • They may inspire you when it comes to how you want to present yourself to the world.
While there’s little medical evidence to suggest one method is more effective than another—serious recordings, erotica, non-sexual or sexual content—for some people in the community the recordings clearly bring a sense of calm and reassurance during journeys of gender discovery. And if you feel this, it’s a good sign that it’s working and is useful.
As you lock yourself up in your sissy chastity cage, you might even find the recordings erotic and pleasurable. And there’s definitely no harm in that.

Where to Start if You Want to Try Sissy Hypno

Sissy hypnosis works best if you’re comfortable with the idea of becoming more effeminate. So the first step is to identify what type of changes you want to make to your lifestyle. You can then look for recordings, content, and hypnotherapists that can support your journey.
Places to look include:
  • YouTube – Search for ‘sissy hypno’, ‘sissy hypno ASMR’, or ‘feminization hypnosis’.
  • Hypnotube – Generally erotica style hypno recordings, some with graphic images.
  • Soundcloud – Search for ‘feminization’.
Some Dominants offer hypnosis as part of their sissy training. So this may be something you can discuss with your keyholder. If they’re uncomfortable with the idea, searching for ‘gender hypnotherapist’ may return practitioners who are open to helping you on your journey.
Advanced Chastity Fetishes Sissy Guides Written By Charlie Nyx

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About The Author

Charlie Nyx

Chuck Cuck

Sex is full of emotion. But since the days of Masters and Johnson, it’s also a scientifically studied subject, with research aplenty. And it’s this sex education and sciencey aspect that attracted Charlie Nyx to a career as sex writer, educatior and journalist.

In their own words

“My own sex education was abysmal. Growing up in the South of England (UK), school taught the mechanics of sex with a bit of scaremongering thrown in for good measure. My parents handed me two books on the subject. And that was it.

As a young adult I discovered a whole world I had no idea existed. A world full of play, fantasy and fucking good sex. Oops, pardon my language. But it lit a fire in me to want to do more. To promote better, well-researched information about sex. 

I’m happily married, monogamous, identify as she/they, and I don’t partake in the chastity lifestyle with my partner.”

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