Investigating the Ghost Penis Fetish

Posted by Andrew Schroeder on

Ghost Penis Fetish
There’s something new, perhaps a little strange, in the male chastity neighborhood. And it’s called ghost penis.
These days I rarely find a chastity-related fetish that’s completely new to me. But the Internet has done what it does best: reminded me that when it comes to sex, pleasure, and fetishes there’s always something new to learn. In this case, it’s the rise of the ghost penis phenomenon.
Currently piquing the interest of the community, the fetish is being discussed in the popular chastity training subreddit and, at time of writing, the dedicated ghostpenis channel has 25,000 members.
But what exactly is it? How do you do it? And why does it feel good with chastity? I went on a ghost penis hunt to discover just what this fetish is all about.

What Exactly Is Ghost Penis?

A ghost penis refers to a fake cock that a guy imagines to be his own. He can visualize it as part of himself so strongly, that when he stimulates it—through masturbation or sex—he’s able to orgasm for real.
Most people wear their ghost penis in a strap-on harness to make it easier to stroke or fuck with. A harness also helps position the ghost peen at a similar level to their real cock, making it easier to believe they’re stroking themselves rather than a prosthetic. However, more advanced practitioners can grab any suction-cup dong, stick it to a surface of their choice and wank themselves happy. Even when the cock is clearly detached from them.
Caged guys using dildos in place of their own genitals is nothing new. Dominants have long been ordering their locked-up subs to don them as part of humiliation play. But this practice is usually simply referred to as strap-on play. Pinning down when the ghost penis fetish adopted its name, or became more of a solo indulgence for caged guys, is difficult.
The dedicated subreddit first posted in 2023. However, if the channel is inspired by the theory of the ghost hand effect (which it seems to suggest) then that phrase dates back to around 2014. (More about ghost hand in a bit.)

Why Are People Into It?

There are 2 clear benefits for a caged guy who masters the art of ghost dicking.
  1. He can experience self-gratification without unlocking. Although this raises similar questions to those around hands-free orgasms while caged. Should they really be allowed?
  2. Caged subs may derive even greater pleasure when they’re asked to satisfy their Dominant if they have a strong connection with their prosthetic.
But these aren’t the only reasons.
Not everyone loves what’s hanging between their legs. For some, downsizing is their chastity goal. To make their cock so insignificant and useless that it may as well not be there. They can then replace their own cock (sort of) with another. So the ghost penis can be the antithesis of chastity.
With this fetish, you can choose a prosthetic that’s the length, girth, texture that you fantasize about. From the evidence I’ve seen, ‘master level’ is reached when you’re able to get yourself off using a dildo that’s a far departure from your own reality.
Not Just the Chastity Community Talking About Ghost Dick
The phenomenon of wanking a fake dick for pleasure isn’t limited to the chastity community. Trans men are also discussing their ghost dick experiences.
Man stroking dildo
Despite never having had a biological cock, they report feeling something “down there,” experiencing getting hard, or feeling the need to protect the family jewels despite there being no danger of pain. For the FtM community, becoming one with a ghost penis could ease any body dysphoria. It also opens another opportunity for experiencing pleasure in a way that aligns with how they’re choosing to present.

Similar to Phantom Limb Sensation

Phantom limb sensation is a medical term for a common side-effect of amputation. Patients report feeling pain or sensations such as itching, pins and needles, sensation of touch, or temperature change in the missing arm, leg, toe, or penis. The sense that the removed body part is still there can be so convincing, that they might, try to walk on both legs or believe they’re having an erection.
The exact cause of phantom limb sensation is unknown. The Cleveland Clinic offers an explanation of what we know so far.
‘[It’s a] miscommunication in your nervous system…spinal cord and brain. While your brain adapts to life with a bit of you missing, your nerves can get angry in response to trauma or change. They may send more signals than they usually do or mix up signals.’
Ghost penis replicates this phenomenon of feeling something that isn’t naturally a part of you. But unlike amputations, this fetish is a willing coaxing of the body to connect and feel pleasurable sensations. Ghost penis is a lot like the rubber hand illusion, in which subjects are made to believe that a rubber arm is attached to them by hiding sight of their actual arm.

4 Tips if You Want to Try It

Tugging the ghost is a learned skill. You need strong visualization skills, patience, and loads of practice. Creating a mind-fuck so convincing you can ejaculate from stimulating a dildo means opening up to the full power of your brain as an erogenous zone.
To help you in your practice, the Redditors on the ghostpenis subreddit suggest the following.
Tip 1: Use a Realistic Dildo
Choosing a dildo that you find hot will fuel your fantasy. But you’re going to struggle to connect with it if you go too far off the wall. (For example, if you use a dragon dong.) Start with one that’s a close match to your own and then build up to your ultimate ghost peen fantasy.
Tip 2: Become One With the Dong
Wearing a strap-on harness with a dildo will feel different from what you know your natural cock and balls feel like. So, as with our pegging advice for Dominants, spend time getting to know your phantom dick. Simply spend time touching it, without intending to masturbate. Feel how it hangs, what it’s like against your body, its texture and weight. Look at yourself in the mirror wearing it or holding it. Start to build that visual connection between it and your body.
Tip 3: Do to It What You’d Do to Yourself
When it comes to the act itself, use the same hand movements and techniques you enjoy when masturbating your own cock. Do you usually use a sleeve or vibe to help get you off? Or do you have a favorite lubricant? Add these to your session.
Tip 4: Get into Position
Sometimes the way the ghost dick sits on the body is enough to remind some people that this isn’t actually part of them. Fool your mind by sticking the dildo through the fly of your pants or leaving your underwear on. Blur the visual lines between where your body ends and the ghost dick starts.

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Give up the Ghost

At least in the beginning, orgasming from a ghost dick wank will take a lot longer than stimulating your own cock. Ultimately, you’re trying to trick your mind into believing it can feel something that has no nerves and isn’t attached to your body. The best advice I found for succeeding is try not to over-focus on the end goal: cumming.
Advanced Chastity Fetishes Written By Andrew Schroeder

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About The Author

Andrew Schroeder

Andy Schro

Our guy who’s walking the walk, Andrew is a long-term cage wearer who found LTC when shopping for devices early in his journey. So he’s gone from customer to consultant. 

He taps out articles that discuss the lifestyle. From debunking myths to offering commentary on the most-debated chastity topics, Andrew S is inspired to write because of his ardour for the caged life.

“Pardon the pun, but there’s a lot of cock and bull information about male chastity and the people who partake in this lifestyle. My want, and why I write for LTC, is because I believe we need more straight-talking, experienced voices to speak up about their journeys with chastity. People who are familiar with the lifestyle and community. People who want to help those who are new and interested."

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