Wish You Didn’t Have a Penis? Chastity downsizing

Posted by Charlie Nyx on

Man looking in his boxers
Have you ever met someone who is completely happy with their body? Someone who is unshakably happy with every bit of themselves, from the color of their hair to the nail on their pinky toe.
Me neither.
Feeling unhappy with a part of your appearance is normal. Everyone has insecurities. Whether it’s because of peer pressure or marketing, there’s always something to feel less-than-great about.
But what if you feel less than great about one of your most intimate areas – a body part only you and a select few get to see? It’s not like you can slap a cream on it and hope it goes away in a week or two. So how do you make sense of that?
This is how some people feel about their genitals. A nagging there’s something not quite right about having a penis and testicles. For some, this is what leads them to experiment with chastity. Keeping it locked away and out of sight is a comfort. And the possibility of chastity shrinkage is an added bonus.
Diminishing the penis using chastity is a satisfactory solution for some men. But some still wish they didn’t have a penis, even when locked up. And when this is the case, there may be more to unpack.
Feeling unhappy with a part of your appearance is normal. Everyone has insecurities. But what if you feel less than great about one of your most intimate areas? It’s not like you can slap a cream on it and hope it goes away in a week or two.
while you can't easily change what's there, there are options like chastity fufu clips for changing how it looks.
Fufu Resin Chastity Training Clip
From everyday cock annoyances to more thoughtful questions about gender, this article discusses the reasons for wishing your penis away. Towards the end you’ll find resources and extra reading if you’re someone who has a complex relationship with their genitals.

Day-To-Day Reasons for Being Over Your Penis

While I’ve never had a penis, having a husband and plenty of very open-minded male friends means the day-to-day trials and tribulations haven’t escaped me. There are a good number of reasons why guys regularly mutter cusses at their cocks.
  • They’ve got (yet another) involuntary erection.
  • They’re sick of adjusting their underwear.
  • They’re over the fear of getting hit in their nuts (And this fear may restrict freedom of movement.)
  • They don’t like the way it looks.
Having a sensitive appendage with a mind of its own can certainly be inconvenient at times. But these reasons usually aren’t enough for someone to want to get rid of the penis for good. Nor do these things affect mood or wellbeing for long.
But what if this wasn’t the case?
Fufu Metal Chastity Training Clip
When the feeling of wanting to get rid of your penis doesn’t weaken, or you can’t identify with it, or its mere presence makes you anxious, what then?

Body Dysmorphia and Gender Dysphoria: Definitions and Differences

You may have been considering getting rid of your penis for some time. But you’re not sure why you feel that way, or what you can do to feel at peace with your body.
Learning about body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria may help.
While here are some commonalities between the two (e.g. their association with mental health challenges), there are also clear differences. Here are some simple definitions to help you get to grips with each term. And if either one seems to fit with what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling, use the links we’ve provided to find out more.

What is body dysmorphia?

People with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) worry about their physical appearance and negatively fixate on perceived body flaws. Findings from the Anxiety & Depression Association of America show that around one in 50 people have BDD, affecting around 2.5% of males and 2.2% of females.
BDD symptoms vary. Often it depends on how strongly the person feels about their perceived flaws. But common indications of BDD include:
  • Regularly checking yourself in the mirror.
  • Comparing yourself to others.
  • Avoiding social situations.
It’s important to note that having a BDD fixation on genitals doesn’t mean the person dislikes being a man. They may comfortably identify as male. They simply don’t like that part of their body.
Common areas of concern for people with BBD include the condition of their skin, hair, facial features, chest, and genitalia (which is what we’re interested in). For men, these invasive thoughts may include wishing they didn’t have a penis, as well as societal ideologies about size, girth, foreskin, pubic hair, and even the way testicles hang.
It’s important to note that having a BDD fixation on genitals doesn’t mean the person dislikes being a man. They may comfortably identify as male. They simply don’t like that part of their body. And so they look for ways to make it more attractive to themselves and others, or try to wish it away completely.
Further reading on BDD
For more detail on BDD, including its symptoms and causes, when to seek help, and where to get support if you need it, check out the following resources.
Mayo Clinic – Body dysmorphic disorder
Healthy Male – BDD and penis size

What is gender dysphoria?

Sex is assigned at birth. Someone is born with either a penis (and considered male) or a vagina (and considered female). But occasionally a person is born without any clear sex. In this situation, a medical professional or caregiver may assign them one of two sexes. If they then identify as the sex they were given as they grow and develop (their gender) we say they’re ‘binary.’
Now this is where it can get confusing.
Gender and sex aren’t the same thing. Someone may be assigned male sex organs at birth but feel they’re female, or be assigned female organs at birth but feel they’re male. Or they may feel neither male or female, and so identify as non-binary, agender, or gender diverse.
Gender dysphoria is the discomfort someone experiences when their assigned sex and gender identity aren’t aligned.
There are a couple of important things to note when discussing gender dysphoria.
  1. It’s not considered a mental illness. However, those with gender dysphoria may experience mental health challenges such as depression or anxiety because of it.
  2. People with gender dysphoria may change the way they look or behave. But not everyone with gender dysphoria wants to undergo gender reassignment treatments such as hormones or surgery.
Someone with gender dysphoria may ask for support in a variety of ways. They could:
  • Ask people to refer to them using their preferred pronouns.
  • Seek professional mental health support to help them understand themselves and how they feel about their identity.
  • Undergo gender reassignment surgery, which may involve removing the penis. They may do this to become female, or because they feel they’d be more comfortable identifying as a eunuch or a ‘nullo'.
Further reading on gender dysphoria
This is a huge topic. And so here are some resources that may help you better understand gender and sex, and gender dysphoria.
American Psychiatric Association – What is gender dysphoria?

Penis Image and Male Chastity

How the genitals look in a cock cage is part of the thrill of chastity (or so Mistress Tracy assures me). And there’s a growing belief in the community that small and flat is good.
For some, experiencing chastity shrinkage is an ultimate goal. Chastity downsizing to an inverted chastity cages through sustained submission and denial may please you and your keyholder. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you want to get rid of your penis completely.

Exploring What’s Right for You

Your reasons for not wanting a penis may be very complex. As we’re explored in this article, men may wish away their penis because they don’t like how it looks. It can also lead to bigger questions about identity.
Hopefully the topics we’ve raised in this article will help. And if you want to dive deeper into why you feel the way you do about your body, you now have a starting point.
Written By Charlie Nyx

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About The Author

Charlie Nyx

Chuck Cuck

Sex is full of emotion. But since the days of Masters and Johnson, it’s also a scientifically studied subject, with research aplenty. And it’s this sex education and sciencey aspect that attracted Charlie Nyx to a career as sex writer, educatior and journalist.

In their own words

“My own sex education was abysmal. Growing up in the South of England (UK), school taught the mechanics of sex with a bit of scaremongering thrown in for good measure. My parents handed me two books on the subject. And that was it.

As a young adult I discovered a whole world I had no idea existed. A world full of play, fantasy and fucking good sex. Oops, pardon my language. But it lit a fire in me to want to do more. To promote better, well-researched information about sex. 

I’m happily married, monogamous, identify as she/they, and I don’t partake in the chastity lifestyle with my partner.”

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