Chastity #102: Cages

Posted by Beautiful Voice on

Mistress Tracy's Chastity Cage Beginner Guide

MISTRESS TRACY: Greetings, class, and welcome to the Advanced Chastity Seminar. Today, we will be talking about how to put on and wear a cock cage for a life of permanent male chastity. I will remind you that good slaves are to call me "Mistress" at all times. Now, did everyone bring their cock cage?

STUDENTS: Yes, Mistress!

MISTRESS TRACY: Excellent! At the end of each of our lessons, you’ll each be coming to the front and explain to everyone why you chose your cages. Any objections?

STUDENTS: No, Mistress!

MISTRESS TRACY: Good. Let’s get on with today’s first lesson then...

Lesson 1

How To Wear And Use Your Cock Cage

MISTRESS TRACY: Although they look different, all cock cages are made up of two parts: a ring and a tube. Now, can anyone tell me where the ring goes?

KIARA: Behind the balls!

MISTRESS TRACY: That's right, Kiara! The ring traps the testicles and keeps all that cum nice and built up inside. If you aren't sure which ring size is right for you, choose a cock cage which comes with multiple ring sizes. Here's an example, the Watchful Eye from Lock the Cock, which comes with five different hard plastic rings ranging from just over 1 inch to almost 2 inches in diameter. It can fit everything from the tiniest micropenises to the biggest monster cocks!

Watchful Eye Chastity Device

An Inescapable Metal Chastity Cage For Aspiring Slaves

MISTRESS TRACY: Once the ring is settled, carefully slip his cock into the tube.

CHASE: But Mistress, what if it doesn't fit?

MISTRESS TRACY: Oh, another excellent question. Well, Chase, that usually means a slave is being bad - instead of staying nice and soft for Mistress, he's getting excited. How naughty! If that happens, it's punishment time!

MISTRESS TRACY calls CHASE to her desk and removes his pants. She takes an ice cube and slowly runs it up and down CHASE'S cock until it goes soft and begins to shrink.

MISTRESS TRACY: The easiest way to shrink his cock is using cold. You can rub ice cubes up and down it like I'm doing to Chase here. But does anyone have any other ideas?

TYLER: A cold shower!

KIARA: Making him swim naked in an ice cold pool!

MISTRESS TRACY: Yes and yes! With a little cold, his cock will slide right into that cage in no time.

KIARA: What about lube?

MISTRESS TRACY slowly squirts a dollop of thick, clear lube into her palm and spreads it down CHASE'S naked chest.

MISTRESS TRACY: Indeed, lubricant can make putting on a cage easier. Always use an official sexual lubricant. "DIY" alternatives such as olive oil or shampoo will irritate his sensitive cock. While lube can be helpful when putting on the cage, it should not be used long-term. A chastity slave should be able to wear his cock cage comfortably for long periods of time without having to rely on lube.

MISTRESS TRACY: Now which one of you is going to come and tell the class about your cock cage first?

TYLER and CHASE raise their hands at the same time, both blushing and eager.

TYLER: Oh, pick me, Mistress!

MISTRESS TRACY: Oh such eager boys today. I think I’ll let Tyler go first.

Put a Ring On It Chastity Device

For Penis Teasing Through The Gaps

TYLER: I've brought in the stainless steel "Put a Ring On It" cock cage from LockTheCock. I picked it because I really want to feel the cool metal chastity cage against the sensitive skin of my cock! Plus, the ring-shaped design is extremely easy to slide over my penis, even if it's twitching with excitement. I can put it on without even needing to use any lube at all! Something that's that easy to use is a best seller in my book.

MISTRESS TRACY: That was great Tyler. Take your seat and we’ll move onto our next lesson.

Lesson 2

The Lifestyle—Hygeine, Public Use, And Permanent Male Chastity

MISTRESS TRACY: Now, most of you students are studying to become full-time chastity slaves who will be living in cages 24/7. To do this, you must regularly clean your cage to avoid the buildup of dirt and sweat. Now, can anyone guess how often you should remove your cock cage for cleaning?

CHASE: Once a year!

TYLER: Once a week!

MISTRESS TRACY: Bad boys - you're both wrong! Chase, waiting a year will make your cock too dirty. But Tyler, once a week is too often - it will be too easy to accidentally cum. Ideally, a slave's cock cage should be cleaned once or twice per month using a rag and gentle soap.

KIARA: But Mistress, how do I keep a slave from cumming while he has the cock cage off?

MISTRESS TRACY walks to CHASE'S desk and slowly lifts his hands over his head, miming the appearance of handcuffs.

MISTRESS TRACY: Keep an eye on him, and don't let him get into the shower without you watching. However, if he's being extra bad, you can also tie him up or handcuff him in chastity bondage to keep his hands off of his cock. Remember, you are the keyholder. His cock belongs to you, not him.

KIARA: Oh, Mistress, that sounds so hot!

MISTRESS TRACY: It certainly is, Kiara. Now, students, here is a list of other situations where a cock cage should be removed:

When to remove your cock cage

CHASE: But, Mistress Tracy, this list is so short!

MISTRESS TRACY: Exactly! Cock cages are comfortable and safe, and can be worn all the time. You can even sleep in your cock cage! It's up to the keyholder, because, as we all know, horny men cannot be trusted with their pathetic little cocks.

MISTRESS TRACY: Now Kiara and Chase, who’s going to tell us about their cock cage of choice next?

KIARA: I’ll go next Mistress.

The Big Black Cage

The Most Comfortable Chastity Device

KIARA: My choice is one of the most intense cages on the market: the BBC Chastity cage from Lock the Cock! It's got an elegant black color and an imposing design that will constantly remind my slave how his cock belongs to me. He could go days without even getting a glimpse of his teeny-weeny cock, which makes it perfect for a permanent chastity lifestyle. Plus, he'll always remember how hopeless it is to even try to ask me to have the cage removed, because he just looks so good all locked up!

MISTRESS TRACY: Thanks Kiara, that cage really demonstrates some of the points we covered in this lesson. We’ll make a great Mistress out of you yet! Now, let's move on to our final lesson for the day.

Lesson 3

Safe Key Management—Femdom, Keyholders, Denial And Control

MISTRESS TRACY: All Lock the Cock cages come with two keys. One key should be kept in a safe location, such as a locked drawer or safety deposit box. This key will always be available in emergencies. As for the other key, that depends on what the keyholder wants. Kiara, as you are studying to be a chastity keyholder, why don't you tell us what you would do with your key?

KIARA: I would put it on a chain and wear it around my neck as a necklace. That way my slave would always see it and I could tease him. He would never forget who he belongs to.

MISTRESS TRACY: A perfect choice, Kiara. The key is a powerful teasing tool which you should always take advantage of. Creative ideas like that are the hallmark of an excellent keyholder.

MISTRESS TRACY: Now, Chase. It looks like you’re the last one who needs to tell us about your cock cage.

Sad Pink Excuse Chastity Device

A Pink Cock Cage For Sissy Sluts

CHASE: And I've also picked a LockTheCock product, Mistress! Mine is pink silicone, and it's called the Sad Pink Excuse. I like it because…well, because the pink color reminds me how much of a submissive, sissy feminine chastity slut I secretly am! Plus it uses a classic external lock mechanism, which means that I can see the lock at all times and remind myself just how much my keyholder controls me. Between the lock on my cock and the key around her neck, I never forget my situation for a minute!

MISTRESS TRACY: Thank you Chase, I’ll be sure to get you in that cage later.

MISTRESS TRACY [looking at clock]: Well it looks like we have a few minutes left, and seeing as you all told me about your favourite cock cages, I think I’ll tell you about mine.

Shock the Cock Chastity Device

Electrify His Punishment With Torturous E-Stim

MISTRESS TRACY: This is an extremely unique LockTheCock model, the Shock the Cock, a cock shocker. While its mixed hard plastic and silicone design and tube shape may seem traditional at first, this baby comes complete with an electrical setup which can deliver a "zap" to his poor trapped cock. I hold onto the remote, and I can choose to give him a shock at ANY time I desire - so, of course, I shock him every time he disobeys me, asks to have his cage off, tries to touch himself or does anything else bad. Even the naughtiest slave will start being on his best behavior after only a few days in the Shock the Cock!

RING! RING! The bell signals the end of class.

MISTRESS TRACY: Unfortunately, that's all we have time for today. We will discuss how to be a good keyholder in our next lesson. For your homework, please read the following article:

This weeks homework

MISTRESS TRACY: See you next class, everybody! Be good!

Shop Mistress's favorite chastity cages now Read Chastity 101 Now

Cock Cages Written By Beautiful Voice

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About The Author

Beautiful Voice

Bootyful Voice

The Beautiful Voice of the chastity community demands to be heard! Your experiences, your advice, your thoughts. We explore all of these through the Beautiful Voice pen name, and post relevant content to the chastity experience under this name.

Everyone is different after all, so we want our content to provide all of these perspectives. What works for one slave doesn’t work for all of them. One kind of Mistress is different to another. But most importantly, we all love chastity.

Chastity is… an escape, a passion, a journey, a goal, a kink, a fetish, a lifestyle.

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